Our vision as a school of Agriculture and Applied Sciences is to provide opportunity and support to the agriculture community that serves the needs of society in rural and urban Kenya while also serving global population through education, research and innovation. Thousands of successful alumni around the country are evidence of the academic excellence rooted at the school of Agriculture &applied sciences. We are a committed and renowned faculty that engages students with hands-on experiences, research opportunities and connections to communities, both at home and overseas. With our modern agriculture farm, students gain practical experience by actively testing their knowledge in real-world settings. We are proud to be one of only a handful of colleges in the nation that actually feature a working farm right on its campus. Our student farm has a working dairy unit with more than 50 dairy cows, a poultry unit with more than 500 birds, sheep and goats unit, piggery unit with more than 500 pigs, together with a well established crop production farm among others. We also have functional laboratories for science and animal health courses.  I invite you to learn more about us and schedule a visit. We’ll be glad to work with you to chart a path to a meaningful carrier in agriculture and applied sciences.

Diploma Programs

  1. General Agriculture & Extension Services
  2. Agricultural Engineering & Economics
  3. Entrepreneurial Agriculture & Agribusiness
  4. Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Development
  5. Irrigation & Drainage Engineering Technology

Certificate Programs

  1. General Agriculture & Extension Services
  2. Agricultural Engineering & Economics
  3. Entrepreneurial Agriculture & Agribusiness
  4. Agribusiness Development & Marketing
  5. Modern methods of Agribusiness
  6. Aquaculture (aquatic Organism Management)
  7. Apiculture (Bee Keeping)
  8. Dairy Farm Management
  9. Pig Production
  10. Fisheries Technologies
  11. Poultry Production

Artisan Programs

  1. General Agriculture
  2. Aquaculture (aquatic Organism Management)
  3. Apiculture (Bee Keeping)
  4. Dairy Farm Management
  5. Pig Production
  6. Fisheries Technologies
  7. Poultry Production
Course NameRequirDurationExam. B 
General Agriculture & Extension ServiceC-D6,4 termsKNECApply Now
Agricultureal Engineering & EconomicsC-D6,4 termsKNECApply Now
Entrepreneurial Agriculture & AgriBusinessC-D6,4 termsKNECApply Now
Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Dev. (Dip)C- 6 termsKNECApply Now
Agribusiness Dev. & Marketing (Cert)D 4 termsKNECApply Now
Modern methods of Agribusiness (Cert)D 4 termsKVBApply Now
Animal health & production (veterinary) C-4 termsKVBApply Now
Artisan Gen agricultureKCPE or KCSE4 termsKNECApply Now
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